Tag Archives: Parking Wars

Summer Shows Part I

30 May

I love TV. I love  it like it’s my job. People who claim they don’t own TVs and try and act all high and mighty because they don’t indulge in reality programming can suck it because TV is great, entertaining and often times extremely educational. Take for instance my new favorite show Parking Wars (on A&E Tuesdays at 10). This little slice of heaven is a reality show that follows the workers of the Philadelphia Parking Authority and Detroit’s Municipal Parking Department and simply this show is hilarious (and educational for the drivers of America.) You would not believe how people react to getting tickets, getting their cars towed or, worst of all, getting the boot. What is most hilarious about this show is how people try and argue their way out of the tickets every single time (I’m sure you’ve all done this once or twice) and every single time they are told they have to call a hotline on which the workers themselves cannot get a representative. People yell, scream, cry and abuse these workers for tickets that a) are deserved and b) cost little more than a haircut at supercuts.

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